The New Yorker Encyclopedia of Cartoons
The New Yorker Encyclopedia of Cartoons: A Semi-serious A-to-Z Archive by Bob Mankoff (Editor), David Remnick (Foreword) This monumental, two-volume, slip-cased collection includes nearly 10 decades worth of New Yorker cartoons selected and organized by subject with insightful commentary by Bob Mankoff and a foreword by David Remnick.
The Language of Persuasion in Politics
The Language of Persuasion in Politics: An Introduction 1st Edition by Alan Partington (Author), Charlotte Taylor (Author) This accessible introductory textbook looks at the modern relationship between politicians, the press and the public through the language they employ, with extensive coverage of key topics including:
A Prisoner’s Guide to Humor
A Prisoner’s Guide to Humor Paperback – June 10, 2017 by Frank (The Forger) Feldman (Author) The prisoner’s Guide to Humor is an unusual book of jokes intended to bring humor into a setting of endless boredom. A few years ago comedy suddenly became quite the rage at Rahway Prison in New Jersey. It started […]
Humor and Information Literacy
Humor and Information Literacy: Practical Techniques for Library Instruction by Joshua Vossler (Author), Scott Sheidlower (Author) Learn how to successfully employ practical techniques that infuse information literacy instruction with humor. Dozens of practical examples of teaching information literacy using humor Contributions from more than 30 professional academic librarians who share their methods of teaching information […]
The Mirth of Nations
The Mirth of Nations by Christie Davies (Editor) The Mirth of Nations is a social and historical study of jokes told in the principal English-speaking countries. It is based on use of archives and other primary sources, including old and rare joke books. Davies makes detailed comparisons between the humor of specific pairs of nations […]
Translation, Humour and Literature
Translation, Humour and Literature Translation and Humour Volume 1 Editor(s): Delia Chiaro About Translation, Humour and Literature Translation studies and humour studies are disciplines that have been long-established but seldom looked at in conjunction. This volume uses literature as the common ground and examines issues of translating humour within a range of different literary traditions.
The Routledge Handbook of Language and Humor
The Routledge Handbook of Language and Humor (Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics) Hardcover – 24 Feb 2017 by Salvatore Attardo (Editor) The Routledge Handbook of Language and Humor presents the first ever comprehensive, in-depth treatment of all the sub-fields of the linguistics of humor, broadly conceived as the intersection of the study of language and humor.
Sociology Through Humor
Sociology Through Humor by Joseph E. Faulkner (Editor) Product details Paperback: 301 pages Publisher: West Group (January 1987) Language: English ISBN-10: 0314284915 ISBN-13: 978-0314284914 Product Dimensions: 0.8 x 6 x 9.2 inches Shipping Weight: 14.4 ounces Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #2,558,777 in Books (See Top […]
The Visual Language of Comics
The Visual Language of Comics: Introduction to the Structure and Cognition of Sequential Images. (Bloomsbury Advances in Semiotics) by Neil Cohn (Author) Drawings and sequential images are an integral part of human expression dating back at least as far as cave paintings, and in contemporary society appear most prominently in comics. Despite this fundamental part […]
THE 3rd COLALITE Conference on Language, Linguistic and Literature “Humor and Horror in Language, Literature and Culture”