Therapy Games for Teens: 150 Activities to Improve Self-Esteem, Communication, and Coping Skills

Planning thoughtful and productive therapy activities for teens doesn’t have to be a complex challenge or require a lot of specialized resources. Therapy Games for Teens makes it easier to reach them, with 150 games based in recreation therapy that help teens cope with stress, bullying, grief, anxiety, depression, and more. These fun and inclusive therapy games […]
The Laughing Guide to Change
The Laughing Guide to change By: Isaac Prileltensky Ora Prileltensky Dengan mengangkat motto “lebih pintar melalui tawa”. The Laughing Guide to Change coba menawarkan penggabungan antara humor dan sains agar Anda lebih bahagia dan lebih sehat. Bagaimana caranya? Anda perlu menguasai perilaku, emosi, dan pikiran Anda yang akan anda dapatkan dalam buku ini. Untuk […]
The Laughing Guide to a Better Life
The Laughing Guide to a Better Life By: Isaac Prileltensky Ora Prileltensky Penulis menggunakan dosis humor yang tinggi dari sisi tertawa dan ukuran sains yang sehat dari sisi pembelajaran untuk mendongkrak peningkatan diri, hubungan dan lingkungan anda. Buku ini coba memperkenalkan “model I CAN” yang merupakan singkatan dari Interactions (interaksi), Context (kesadaran), Awareness (kesadaran), […]
Creativity and Humor
Creativity and Humor Edited by: Sarah L. Luria John Baer James C. Kaufman Buku ini memberikan pemahaman tentang bagaimana humor mempengaruhi kreativitas, serta kreativitas mempengaruhi humor. Keragaman jangkauan kreativitas dan humor ke dalam berbagai tema seperti budaya, pendidikan, terapi sampai keadilan sosial dibahas secara jelas. Hal menarik lainnya adalah bahwa kreativitas dan humor adalah […]
Managing With Humor
Buku ini fokus pada bidang studi yang muncul dalam manajemen: humor manajerial dan dampaknya kepada karyawan. Bagi para manajer yang sedang menghadapi masalah ditinggal olah orang-orang terbaik di organisasinya, buku ini sangat cocok karena isinya mengeksplorasi bagaimana manajer dapat menggunakan humor untuk secara positif mempengaruhi keadaan emosi jangka pendek karyawan dan sumber daya psikologis jangka […]
Coping with Comedy
Coping with Comedy: The relationship between humor and sadness by Nicole Dean
The World Made Meme
The World Made Meme: Public Conversations and Participatory Media (The Information Society Series) Hardcover – October 7, 2016 by Ryan M. Milner (Author) How memetic media — aggregate texts that are collectively created, circulated, and transformed — become a part of public conversations that shape broader cultural debates. Internet memes — digital snippets that can […]
Comic Performativities
Comic Performativities: Identity, Internet Outrage, and the Aesthetics of Communication 1st Edition by Dustin Goltz (Author) Comic Performativities: Identity, Internet Outrage, and the Aesthetics of Communication studies patterns of criticism and public debate in the relationship between humour, identity, and offense.
Research and Theory on Strategic Communication Skills
Research and Theory on Strategic Communication Skills: Humour and Teamwork in Business Negotiations by Taina Helena Vuorela (Author) Negotiating is a basic human activity. It is also the essence of sales transactions. However, negotiating is clearly not reserved for just salespeople; it is something that we all do daily while managing relationships between ourselves and […]
A Double Life of 80 AGI Designers
A Double Life of 80 AGI Designers Hardcover – 1996 by Milani (Author) Description: 179pp. This book contains the humourous portraits and some of the best design work of 80 AGI members, the prestigious organization composed of the most eminent designersin the world. The dust jacket has light shelf wear but the book itself remains […]