reject collection - blue cover

The Rejection Collection: Cartoons You Never Saw, and Never Will See, in The New Yorker Hardcover – October 3, 2006
by Matthew Diffee (Editor), Robert Mankoff (Foreword)

Each week about fifty New Yorker cartoonists submit ten ideas, yielding five hundred cartoons for no more than twenty spots in the magazine. Arguably the most brilliant single-panel-gag cartoonists in the world create a bunch of cartoons every week that never see the light of day.

These rejects were piling up in the dusty corners of studios all over the country. Sam Gross, who has been contributing since 1962, has more than 12,000 rejected cartoons. (Seriously. He’s been numbering every single cartoon he’s ever submitted to The New Yorker since the very beginning.) Enter editor Matthew Diffee. He tapped his fellow cartoonists, asking them to rescue these hilarious lost gems. From the artists’ stacks of all-time favorite rejects, Diffee handpicked the standouts — the cream of the crap — and created The Rejection Collection, a place where good ideas go when they die. Too risqué, silly, or weird for The New Yorker, the cartoons in this book offer something no other collection has: They have never been seen in print until now.

With a foreword by New Yorker cartoon editor Robert Mankoff that explains the sound judgment, respectability, and scruples not found anywhere in these pages, and handwritten questionnaires that introduce the quirky character of each artist, The Rejection Collection will appeal to fans of The New Yorker…and to anyone with a slightly sick sense of humor.

The submissions were not set aside because they were not funny but (for the most part) because they were too funny.-– New York Times

About the Author
Matthew Diffee has been contributing cartoons to The New Yorker since 1999. He was r  ecently singled out by the New York Times as one of the more prolific of the new generation of cartoonists. To date, he has had more than a hundred cartoons published in the magazine. Originally from Texas, Diffee now lives in New York City. This is his first book.

The New Yorker is an award-winning weekly magazine featuring reporting, criticism, commentary, fiction, poetry, and renowned single-panel cartoons. It has won more National Magazine Awards, the magazine world’s equivalent of the Oscars, than any other magazine. Its contributors have won numerous awards, including the Nobel Prize and the Pulitzer Prize. Robert Mankoff is the cartoon editor of The New Yorker, and a cartoonist in his own right. He is the editor of many collections of New Yorker cartoons, including The Complete Cartoons of The New Yorker.


Product Details
Hardcover: 272 pages
Publisher: Gallery Books; First Edition edition (October 3, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1416933395
ISBN-13: 978-1416933397
Product Dimensions: 10.1 x 8.3 x 1.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.2 pounds

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