Prizewinning Political Cartoons
Posted by Alan Gardner, July 21, 2010
I received an email from Dean Turnbloom explaining that he was sending me his 2008 and 2010 editorial cartooning collections for comparison. I’ve seen, even collected some of the other best of books – do I really need another? Dean’s books are entitled, “Prizewinning Political Cartoons” and as the title suggests these are the national prize winning (and runner-up) cartoons. Dean includes a bio and interview with those individuals included in the book which is a nice touch. What makes this book stand out, and the reason Dean wanted me to compare the 2008 and 2010 editions is that the 2010 is in full color (with the exception of the one cartoonist who’s work only appears in black and white). Dean tells me he had push back from the publisher when he told them he wanted the whole thing in color because of the increase cost. If I’m reading between the lines correctly, this year’s book needs to sell well if they’re to continue to be printed in color.
Next time you’re in your local book store, check it out. I think you’ll agree, the compilation is well done and being in full color, the way the judges see them, it adds a dimension to the art that would be lost otherwise. If you want to read more about it (and perhaps order it), check it out on Amazon.
#1 Dean Turnbloom, July/21/2010
Thanks, Alan. The book is actually meant to be a tribute to editorial cartooning in general and to the top prize winners in particular. The format this year, compared to the last edition, really showcases the artwork in the way I initially envisioned, showing each cartoonist’s work to its best advantage, I believe. But, as you say, with a dearth of sales goes my ability to maintain the high quality of the work in future additions.