The Wrecking Ball and Other Recent Cartoon by Aislin


Terry Mosher

Publication Year




Linda Leith Publishing

The Wrecking Ball is a collection of Aislin’s recent favourite cartoons. All of the choice political material is here: Pauline Marois as Miley Cyrus, the Parti Québécois’s Charter of Quebec Values, student demonstrators wandering through Montreal’s deteriorating streets, corruption inquires and Montreal’s succession of mayors, the Harper Tories and the Canadian Senate debacle, the coronation of Justin Trudeau, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, the Habs and the Sochi Olympics. Whew!

Editorial Reviews
“Rarely has political reality in Canada so consistently outdone fiction. Who needs editorial cartoonists, you might ask, at a time when actual politicians are so keen on doing all the work for them? Look to this collection for the answer. It will make you wonder whether to laugh or cry at the times we live in. It will also almost make it worthwhile to have endured the past three years.” — Chantal Hébert

About the Author
AISLIN is the nom de plume that Terry Mosher has used for over forty years as the political cartoonist for The Gazette in Montreal. He is also President emeritus of the Association of Canadian Editorial Cartoonists and, in that capacity, he has recently served as a judge and observer at International cartoon events in Portugal, Turkey, China, Australia, and Cuba.

Product Details
Paperback: 168 pages
Publisher: Linda Leith Publishing (March 11, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1927535557
ISBN-13: 978-1927535554
Product Dimensions: 0.5 x 7 x 7 inches
Shipping Weight: 11.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

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