Laughter is the Best Therapy Paperback – March 30, 2011  by Dr. Surendra Singh Singhvi (Author, Editor), Prium Graphics (Illustrator)

I, Surendra Singhvi suffered a stroke in May 2002 and went through many therapies: Physical Therapy (P.T – Pain and Torture), Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Recreational Therapy, Hydro Therapy, Laughter Therapy, and Grandkids Therapy. My speech therapist encouraged me to tell her jokes every day to make her laugh, which forced me to dig deep into my therapy, organize my thoughts and communicate in a way so that she did not get offended and, and at the same time, translate in a cultural context. Each joke made her laugh, and in reaction, I laughed, which helped me come out of depression. Researchers at a famous U.S. university have found that laughing is not only an excellent way to lift your mood, but it s actually a mini-workout for the body. This book is the result of these efforts of my recovery from stroke! I do recommend this therapy for everyone who may directly or indirectly have to deal with this experience! I have decided to offer the part of the proceeds from this book to American Stroke Association associated with American Heart Association. Please support this cause, by recommending this book to your colleagues, family and friends!

About the Author

Dr. Surendra Singh Singhvi is a Management consultant, former professor of finance at Miami University and University of New Hampshire and was a senior finance executive at Armco Steel Corporation and Edison Brother Stores, Inc. He has published more than 100 articles and books in the United States, Canada, Europe, and India. He has a PHD in Management from Columbia University, an MBA from Atlanta University and a Bachelor of Commerce from Rajasthan University, Jaipur, India. He is a member of the Rotary Club of Dayton, Ohio and a founder trustee of Jain Center of Dayton and Cincinnati.

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Made THE Funny Indian Laugh

Byfunnyindianon July 3, 2012

If you are new to joke-telling (or -reading), this is a great book to pick up. It contains scores, nay, tons… yes, tons of good jokes. All kinds of humor abound in the pages edited by Dr. Singhvi. I grew up in Cincinnati, in the same community as the Singhvis, and became a comedian. Our family has known Dr. Singhvi and his family for years. What he wrote about himself in the description is accurate – he embodies the spirit of the book and tries to make people laugh wherever he goes. In fact, it was a pleasure that, on a recent gig in Cincinnati, he warmed up the crowd before I went on and did standup. He not only did a great service by publishing this book but also he is pretty darned good at delivering the jokes therein. Buy this book and you’ll be supporting someone who truly lives the title… Laughter Is The Best Therapy.


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