
International Cartoon Contest: One Month Left
There were 126 cartoonists who have registered. They came from 37 countries, including Indonesia.

Semarang – Central Java – Indonesia. It’s really amazing to see cartoonists’ enthusiasm from around the world to follow Astra Motor International Cartoon Contest 2017. Since it opened on January 5, 2017 and then, the committee has received delivery works in digital form hundreds of cartoonists.

“As of March 1, 2017 at 20:35 pm, there were 126 cartoonists who have registered. They came from 37 countries, including Indonesia,” said competition commissioner, Darminto M Sudarmo, Wednesday (01/03/2017).

He mentioned, the number of works which have entered by the email to the committee as much as 368 works. On average each cartoonist submit 3-5 works. For a while the number of cartoonists mostly came from Indonesia, which is 35 people. Followed by China with the number of 22 people. Other countries around 2-5 people.

Darminto predicts that number of participants will continue to grow given the acceptance of the work of the race is still open until the next month. “Usually when it’s tight deadline race, the cartoonist will flock sent,” added Darminto.

Darminto reminded the public to immediately transmit the works under the theme “Transportation” and the sub-theme “Traffic ethics”. The works must be sent via email to: no later than March 31, 2017.

Until now, the committee Astra Motor International Cartoon Contest 2017 is preparing a variety of purposes for judging and exhibition. Jitet Koestana, Semarang cartoonist, who is also a race cartoon committee said that the work selection of the early stages until the judging will be held in early to 20 April 2017. The results of the contest will be presented on 25 April 2017.

“For the exhibition and awards ceremony will be held in mid-May 2017. The location at Pasar Raya Sri Ratu, Jl. Pemuda, Semarang,” Jitet said. (Arif Srabilor)

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