How the Great Comedy Writers Create Laughter
by Larry Wilde (Author)

From DJ Flap – Author took to the top comedians and asked them probing questions on how a beginner can get started, what shapes a comic, whether there are any rules for writing humor and how you know what has been written will make an audience laugh. He gets profound answers and amusing anecdotes and fascinating inside information and gossip.
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Product Details
Hardcover: 285 pages
Publisher: Burnham Inc Pub (June 1976)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0882292862
ISBN-13: 978-0882292861
Product Dimensions: 1.2 x 6.2 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 1 pounds

One of the best books on comedy writing ever!
By John Lee Grogan Jr. on February 4, 2013
Format: Hardcover Verified Purchase

I’m starting to see that stand-up comics and stand-up comics are very different breeds, I have done stand-up comedy as a hobby for about a year and a half, but find I’m better at the writing than the performing, at least at this point. I also work as an academic advisor/guidance counselor and this book is very helpful as far as identifying the types of traits, personality, attitude towards life that people involved in creating laughter possess. I think I am one of them, it’s been an interesting exeprience to see so many of my own thoughts, idiosyncratic behaviors articulated by similar folks and I thought I was just a freak of nature. It makes realize that comedy is actually an orientation towards life. I’ve also
read the other book by Wilde, “Great Comedians Talk About Comedy” and prefer this comedy writing one better. Neither of his books are really nuts and bolts “how-to” books but are more an examination of the psychology and philosophy of humor and comics and for that, both books are two of the best I’ve read when it comes to those elements.

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