finding funny

Finding Your Funny Bone! The Actor’s Guide to Physical Comedy And Characters Paperback – August 30, 2007
by Nancy Gold (Author)

Finding Your Funny Bone! The Actors Guide to Physical Comedy and Characters is a wonderful new how-to approach to creating physical comedy and finding the creative comic within you. Written for both teachers and performers, this easy-to-read text, punctuated by outstanding photos and illustrations, gives you all the practical tools you need to create a combination that works for you.

Explore, experience, and enjoy games and exercises for:

* mime

* mask

* movement

* improvisation

* acting

* juggling

* clowning

* writing

Then use your imagination and let yourself go. Whether you’ve been performing for years or just starting out, Finding Your Funny Bone! is a must-have to discover and expand your “silly side.”

Editorial Reviews
“Nancy Gold really understands what it takes to be a great comedic performer and how to teach comedy to others. Her easy to understand techniques will guide you to discover your hidden talents. These are essential tools for every actor and teacher.” —Marybeth Cavanaugh, BERKELEY REP SCHOOL OF THEATRE, Berkeley, CA

“Finding Your Funny Bone! The Actor s Guide to Physical Comedy and Characters” is so remarkable and such an accomplishment. It is as useful as it is illuminating. It is also a real find for the performer or teacher, a treasured volume to include in the actors tool kit. I encourage you to jump into her amazing book with both feet.” —Craig Slaight, AMERICAN CONSERVATORY THEATER, San Francisco, CA

From the Author
The first time I heard the phrase, “How to Find Your Stupid and Stay in It,” was at the International Clown Congress in Philadelphia. Pierre Byland said it as he was giving a workshop in clowning. It stuck to me like glue. What a perfect description of clowning and comedy!

Let’s face it. No one wants to be considered stupid by others. It brings up painful ridicule and embarrassing moments filled with total frustration and illogical logic. It brings that voice in your head screaming into consciousness HOW STUPID CAN YOU GET! HOW COULD YOU DO SUCH A THING? YOU ARE SOOOOOO STUPID!

But when you think of comedy, that is exactly what happens. The comedian or clown has to find his or her stupid and stay in it for the audience to be reminded of their humanity. And it takes a great deal of courage, intelligence, and grace to stay stupid.

The following is a guide to finding your personal stupid and a how to approach for staying in it. This is geared for the performer, actor, speaker, and student of virtually anything. Stupid knows no bounds, and comedy is the sweet smile that makes your life more enjoyable.

Some people are naturals–they have the gift. Others need a little guidance. But either way, these games, exercises, improvisations, and entrées will enrich you on both the professional performance level and within yourself. So enjoy, whether you are 5 years old or 50 or have decided to team up with Jack Benny and remain 39 forever.

All of art–no matter what kind it is–is an exchange of ENERGY between the audience and the artwork or performer, between the performers on the stage and between you as the performer and the character.

Eureka!!! Oh my God, there is a method to this madness. And then came Madness to make the Method–in meeting and studying with Ctibor Turba.. Priceless information on the clown. And on being so in control out of control.

You put Space, Energy, Mime, Masks, Movement; add some Elements, Chromatic Movement, and Emotional Expression; top it off with some Clowning; mix in Relationship to inanimate Objects and Relationships to other Characters; and you have a guide to how to create comedy characters.

I once had a job as a tour guide for Sara Lee Bakeries. It was one way I subsidized my college education and my sweet tooth . . .

“Hello, my name is Nancy Gold, and I’d liked to welcome you to Finding Your Funny Bone! Please no touching the dough and don’t miss the butter extruder.”

Product Details
Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: Smith & Kraus; 1 edition (August 30, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1575254492
ISBN-13: 978-1575254494
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 8.8 ounces

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