An Introduction to the Psychology of Humor

Mengapa peneliti psikologi tidak mengimani satu definisi humor yang pasti? Menurut Prof. Janet Gibson, untuk benar-benar memahami humor, peneliti psikologi perlu tahu beragam faktor: kognitif, kepribadian, biologis, hingga sosial dan budaya. Barulah setelah itu kita bisa mencari tahu bahkan memanfaatkan humor dalam psikologi terapan. Buku terbitan 2019 ini adalah sebuah ajakan dan contoh bagi peneliti, […]

Humor and Chinese Culture

Humor and Chinese Culture: A Psychological Perspective (Routledge Studies in Asian Behavioural Sciences) e-Book by Xiaodong Yue(Author) This book addresses psychological studies of humour in Chinese societies. It starts by reviewing how the concept of humour evolves in Chinese history, and how it is perceived by Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism respectively. It then compares differences […]


Humor: Emotional Aspects, Role in Social Interactions & Health Effects (Psychology of Emotions, Motivations and Actions) Hardcover – 1 Apr 2016  by Holly Phillips (Editor) Product details Hardcover: 160 pages Publisher: Nova Science Publishers Inc; UK ed. edition (1 April 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 1634847873 ISBN-13: 978-1634847872 Product Dimensions: 1.9 x 15.2 x 22.2 cm […]

Humor: The Psychology of Living Buoyantly

Humor: The Psychology of Living Buoyantly (The Springer Series in Social Clinical Psychology) 2001st Edition by Herbert M. Lefcourt (Author) In his earlier work the author has studied stress and the personality characteristics that protect us from its effects on health and well-being.

Humor and Health Promotion

  Humor and Health Promotion (Health Psychology Research Focus) by Paola Gremigni (Editor) Humour helps relax, improve relationships with others, and reduce negative emotions such as anger. This title shows how humour can become a valuable tool for working in health professions.

The Psychology of Humor at Work

The Psychology of Humor at Work (Current Issues in Work and Organizational Psychology) by Christopher Robert (Editor) This is the first book to look at the psychological processes that enable humor to affect people and teams in the workplace. It recognizes that humor plays many roles beyond making people feel happier and more productive, and […]

Authentic Happiness

Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment Paperback – January 5, 2004 by Martin E. P. Seligman (Author) A national bestseller, Authentic Happiness launched the revolutionary new science of Positive Psychology—and sparked a coast-to-coast debate on the nature of real happiness.

Pretend the World Is Funny and Forever

Pretend the World Is Funny and Forever: A Psychological Analysis of Comedians, Clowns, and Actors by Fisher, S., Fisher, R. L. (1981) Hardcover Hardcover – 1707 First published in 1982. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company. Product details Hardcover Publisher: L. Erlbaum Associates (1707) ASIN: B01181OHHQ Average Customer Review: Be […]

Handbook of Humor and Psychotherapy

Handbook of Humor and Psychotherapy: Advances in the Clinical Use of Humor Hardcover – 1 Nov 1986 by William F., Jr. Fry (Editor), Waleed A. Salameh (Editor) Product details Hardcover: 376 pages Publisher: Professional Resource Press (Nov. 1986) Language: English ISBN-10: 0943158192 ISBN-13: 978-0943158198 Product Dimensions: 3.2 x 16.5 x 24.1 cm Average Customer Review: […]

SO FUNNY ? APractical Exploration of Physical Comedy

Why is That So Funny?: A Practical Exploration of Physical Comedy (Softcover) Paperback – April 1, 2007 by John Wright (Author) (Book). This unique exploration of the principles and practice of physical comedy starts with a discussion of the various types of laughter that can be provoked by performance. It then presents graduated sequences of […]