
Spy vs. Spy Omnibus
Author: Antonio Prohias
Publisher: Random House, Inc.
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781401232375

50 years of inspired lunacy!
For five decades, “Spy vs. Spy” has appeared in MAD Magazine. The diabolical duo of double-cross and deceit (one dress in black, and the other in white) have continued to one-up the other, til death do they part. Now, all of their original exploits are collected for the first time in their full original size in the Spy vs. Spy Omnibus. This 50th-anniversary tribute to the Spies and their creator, Antonio Prohias, chronicles their history, including biographical and historical essays by Sergio Aragones, Duck Edwing, Grant Geissman, Peter Kuper, Nick Meglin, Marta Rosa Pizarro, Fabiola Santiago, and Art Spiegelman, plus a 50th Anniversary forward by MAD Editor John Ficarra.

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