
Encyclopedia Of The History Of Jewish Comedy_ Paperback – March 6, 2014
by Harvey Sheldon (Author, Editor), Viv Sheldon (Editor)

Harvey Sheldon s History of Jewish Comedy reveals the Jewish contributions to American comedy. What made the Jewish comedians so popular with American audiences? Comedy has always been a distinguishing characteristic of the Jewish people. It is the Jewish experience in America which breeds comedy. For generations, American audiences have sought to escape the struggles of day to day life by turning to laughter as a main source of relief and to Jewish comedians. What made the Jewish comedians so popular with American audiences? Why do so many Jews go into Comedy? (85 % have been Jewish) What is funny about the Jewish experience in America? What are the roots of comedy in Jewish culture? What has made the Jewish contribution to American comedy so extensive? Why have American audiences, for more than a century, responded to the Jewish gift of laughter? A one stop reference source answering those questions with biographies of Jewish comedians and a comprehensive history of Jewish comedy.

Editorial Reviews
September 20, 2009 By Michael M “mm” (usa) – See all my reviews This review is from: Encyclopedia of the History of Jewish Comedy: Would It Not Be Funny If the Whole World Were Jewish! (Paperback) I had the book 2 days and already have used it to find just the right joke for a certain speech. Sheldon’s research extends where no author has gone before. This volume contains it all…..and then some. Highly recommended –Michael M “mm

This is the good stuff and guaranteed to make you HAPPY!, March 4, 2009 By J. P. Godsey “JP Gus Godsey” (VA, USA) – See all my reviews (REAL NAME) This review is from: Encyclopedia of the History of Jewish Comedy: Would It Not Be Funny If the Whole World Were Jewish! (Paperback) Harvey Sheldon nails it here. I can’t decide whether to think of this in terms of a historical (and amazingly accurate) research novel, or to just keep it as a “laugh out loud” page turner. One thing is for sure, I will refer to it when I need material for a presentation, something I am writing, or just for jokes at a dinner party, the “Encyclopedia of the History of Jewish Comedy” covers the subject. At over 800 pages, Sheldon has done his homework. From the Stooges, to the Marx Brothers, from Jackie Mason, to Don Rickles, from Dangerfield, to “Uncle Miltie Berle,” the stories here reflect a beautiful period of America, with real bigger than life stars, right up to the Jerry Seinfeld’s of today. I loved the book and love the entire history of a great bunch of people I admired years ago, and still do. Thanks Mr. Sheldon! J.P. “Gus” Godsey –J.P. “Gus” Godsey

A true history of those guys and gals we’ve loved so long, January 26, 2009 By Richard Grudens – See all my reviews (REAL NAME) This review is from: Encyclopedia of the History of Jewish Comedy: Would It Not Be Funny If the Whole World Were Jewish! (Paperback) What a book. Harvey Sheldon has delivered the book we all need to read, that is,if anyone of us has been affected by the likes of Jack Benny, Sid Caesar, Buddy Hackett, Jerry Lewis, Don Adams, Marx Brothers and over a hundred more great comics. The entire legacy of these Jewish Comedians is present for your review. It is a delightful formation of the canon of American Jewish Comedy. From the Three Stooges to Fanny Brice, almost every comedian of the last 100 years were mostly Jewish. Why? I don’t know. They just were. From Vaudeville to the Borsch Belt, from Radio and Television and the silver screen, they are all here . My favorites are Jack Benny and Jerry Seinfeld, although George Burns and his (Catholic) wife, Gracie were also some of the great ones. So scan the over 800 pages and enjoy this wonderful and very funny-fact-filled book. Climb aboard the Yiddish Mule Train and enjoy the Borsht Capades.Buy this worthy book. Richard(Catholic) Grudens –Richard(Catholic) Grudens

About the Author
Harvey Sheldon disc jockey, Conservative Talk Show Host composer, big swing band leader, entertainer, lecturer, musicologist, and historian-author of 15 published books on history of music. acclaimed and prolific author and historian of American, Jewish, Afro Cuban Latin and Italian music. Created & donated $ 2 1/2 million establishing The Harvey Sheldon Rock N Roll Video Research Library at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles 1998 Created & donated $3 million to establish first in the nation The Harvey Sheldon Jewish American Music Video Research & Holocaust Library in his home town in Philadelphia at the University of Pennsylvania-2000. Created & donated $ 3 1/2 million to establish The Harvey Sheldon American Music History Video Research Library at the University of Pennsylvania. Showcasing the music of Gershwin, Kern, Berlin,Arlen,Rodgers &Hart,Rodgers & Hammerstein,Lerner & Lowe from Broadway to the Rock n Roll era Harvey Sheldon s gift makes the University of Pennsylvania Library the first in the nation to have such a research collection. Unlike other discrete collections of Jewish American music or film, the Sheldon collection provides a visual window into understanding how Jews helped to create Broadway musicals, Jazz and other entertainment genres from the 1920 s through the 1990 s. Arthur Kiron-Curator of Judaica Collections-University of Pennsylvania

Product Details
Paperback: 820 pages
Publisher: Harvey Sheldon (March 6, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0986074004
ISBN-13: 978-0986074004
Product Dimensions: 8.7 x 5.7 x 1.7 inches

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