
Antologi Kelirumologi
by Jaya Suprana

The first time touched this book, first impressions are usual. there is no special. the author not too familiar with me . I first saw you definitely think this book is heavy. after I read, this book turned out to be fun, not as heavy as the view outside. it is very entertaining and full of knowledge. This book is divided into 2 groups. The first group is the group kelirumologi data, the second is a group of manuscripts kelirumologi. some data and the manuscript of which tells a lot of errors have become the norm and become weird if corrected. Jaya Suprana called it wrong but beautiful. among them is a culture of Australian society which remembers the year 1770 as a year james cook first landed in Australia Continent region and celebrate it as when the discovery of the continent of Australia for the first time. but the painting on the wall of rocks in the area of Kakadu National Park in northern Australia clearly prove that during the very long before the exploration james cook, Buginese sailors from the archipelago – without being busy remembering let alone celebrate – actually already routinely sail and landed in the area of land north of the continent Australia. there is also a mention about his presidential decree of national heroism. written with the awareness kelirumologis who believes that there is no perfect human. every letter of the decision which of course has come a very rigorous process of consideration, the always wise recognized a sentence: with provision, that in the future if it turns out there is an error in this decision, will be revised as necessary. and there are many more mistakes which has become a habit in society which, if justified even be funny. a beautiful mistake. some data and the manuscript I had never known before. but that does not mean just because kelirumologi peeling, it is not impossible this book out of mistakes. yes, humans do the wrong and negligent. but I think there is a need to consider in the cultivation of the lay out of this book that impressed origin so, because my first impression of this book is not a book that looks interesting. however, the first impression is critical to be purchased or not a book by the reader.

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